for Future Generations.

Great fortune also entails responsibility – for your own future and for the future of your descendants. Make sure, that future generations will be able to lead safe and independent lives.

Offering individual, holistic and forward-looking solutions, the SONNTAG Family Office assumes the task to responsibly manage, preserve and increase your assets. We have the experience and high standard of professionalism required to focus on your personal agenda as well as on the specific structure of your assets. Thus, as a matter of principle, everything we do will be in accordance with your individual preferences.


Manage your Assets Safely Towards

the Future – Just Like a Family Business.


Life often confronts us with important decisions extending far into the future – your own as well as your entire family’s. You are used to making those decisions yourself and it should stay that way. Only one thing may change: You may seek reliable support. Knowing us by your side, you can be sure to always find the best solutions and the most effective routes. This is what we stand for – with our knowledge, our experience – and most of all with our independence and integrity.  


Standing side by side provides the most important foundation for any sustainable cooperation, even across generations. We will be your sparring partner, available in all respects. You can rely on us and trust our competence. And that is what counts.


To be able to rely on each other provides the foundation for any responsible cooperation.  

Der Erhalt des Vermögens steht immer im Fokus. Mit dem richtigen Gespür aus fachlicher und sozialer Kompe-tenz geben wir klare Empfehlungen, wo Ihre Aufgaben und Wünsche am besten aufgehoben sind und begleiten Ihre Entscheidungen. Beginnend mit der grundlegenden Vermögensstrukturierung bis zur Vermögensnachfolge-planung machen wir Ihr Anliegen zu unserem. Mit Wissen und Erfahrung.


Preserving your assets in the long term will always take centre stage with everything we do. We provide clear advice based on keen instinct, a wide scope of knowledge and good social skills. We can show you how to best realise your ideas and we will support your decisions. From basic asset structuring to wealth succession planning: Your request will be our concern.


Strict integrity, objectivity and loyalty are out ultimate guidelines. We take pride in our independence, it is the foundation on which all our actions are thriving. Invariably, your SONNTAG Family Office is acting in accordance with the so-called “alter-ego-principle”: We always act to the best of our knowledge and always in your best interest. It is all about your assets and the trust you place in us. We do commit ourselves to you and your assets.



Keeping an Overview.

Attention and commitment are imperative in all matters of assets. It is mandatory, to keep an overview at all times in order to quickly respond to current events and never lose sight of the objective.

The experienced SONNTAG Family Office will assume the responsibility to secure your leeway and to coordinate the various tasks involved. Our extensive network includes specialists from all relevant areas of expertise. They manage large fortunes with experience, foresight and aplomb. Because only those who understand your expectations and your objectives will be able to pave the proper ways for you. Competent. Smart. Transparent.



Enjoy Peace and Quiet.

To responsibly manage a substantial fortune, requires an awareness of risks in order to counteract in time. Excellent market knowledge is imperative, sophisticated strategies and anticipatory recommendations for action are extremely important. Extensive expertise and absolute reliability allow for the SONNTAG Family Office to consequently evaluate challenges, to react immediately and to control all measures with confidence.

This is what you can EXPECT.

We are committed to your interests. A team of selected experts will oversee your assets and accompany you on your way towards a successful future. The SONNTAG Family Office manages large fortunes according to modern principles, based on sound competence and the experience of many decades.


integrated one-stop counsel


across all asset categories


based on bundling of expertise and market power vis-a-vis service providers


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based on controlling and reporting


based on shielding | Anonymity vis-a-vis external service providers

What we Take Care of

ANALYSIS: We begin by recording your total assets. Based on the results, we analyse the structure of your fortune and together we will define your investment objectives. Thereby, we work along the guidelines of your living situation and your current personal agenda.

STRUCTURE: Any path towards a care-free future requires planning and structuring as well as a certain measure of flexibility for your personal leeway. We take all the important factors into consideration.

STRATEGY: Our work is transparent and holistic and our sight is always set on potential uncertainties. In principle, we define suitable investment objectives together, thus you will always know the contexts.

REALISATION: We will stay by your side, advise you and support you in choosing suitable service providers. We will take responsibility for the controlling and we will inform you on your total assets’ status and development on a regular base.



The SONNTAG Family Office was founded in 2001

as a subsidiary of a regionally leading corporate law firm. Our clients entrust us with management responsibilities for large fortunes. We are proud of the trust placed in us and we take pride in what we achieve for our clients. Every day.

THE TEAM by Your Side.


Managing Director



Managing Director



Managing Director



Senior Advisor


Senior Advisor

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How to find us.


Schertlinstraße 23

D-86159 Augsburg




Coming from Ulm / Munich on A8, take the exit 72-Augsburg-West onto B17 in the direction of Landsberg a. Lech/Messe/A.-Zentrum. Take the exit Eichleitnerstraße in the direction of Göggingen-Ost. Take a left into Bergiusstraße/Eichleitnerstraße. In front of MediaMarkt take a right into Memminger Straße. At the end of the street, take another right into Schertlinstraße. Prinz-Karl-Palais is on the left after the railway underpass. The entrance to the underground garage is in front of the building (red brick building). The entrance is by way of Level 5 at the Sonntag & Partner reception.

Coming from Landsberg, take the traffic circle exit B17 in the direction of Augsburg. Take the exit Eichleitnerstraße in the direction of Göggingen-Ost. Take a right into Bergiusstraße/Eichleitnerstraße. In front of MediaMarkt take a right into Memminger Straße. At the end of the street, take another right into Schertlinstraße. Prinz-Karl-Palais is on the left after the railway underpass. The entrance to the underground garage is in front of the building (red brick building). The entrance is by way of Level 5 at the Sonntag & Partner reception.

There are client parking spaces available to you in our underground parking garage. You can reach us in 10 minutes with a taxi from the Augsburg main railway station.